Participating Centres and local PIs

BRAIN UK is a collaboration between representatives from the University of Southampton, Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, the University of Bristol and a network of most of the NHS Neuropathology Centres across the UK, giving effective coverage of 90% of UK population. Without the assistance of this network of centres, we would not be able to provide our tissue matching and ethical approval services.

Barts Health NHS TrustBelfast Health and Social Care TrustUniversity Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation TrustNorth Bristol NHS Trust
Prof Silvia Marino
Dr Thomas Millner
Dr Estelle HealyDr Ute Pohl
Dr Santhosh Nagaraju
Prof Kathreena Kurian
Dr Jillian Davis
Cambridge University
Hospitals NHS Foundation
Cardiff and Vale University Health BoardNHS LothianNHS Greater Glasgow
and Clyde
Dr Kieren AllinsonDr Olimpia CurranProf Colin SmithDr William Stewart
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation TrustHull University Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustImperial College Healthcare NHS TrustKing’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Prof Thomas JacquesJennifer MitchellDr Javier Alegre AbarrateguiProf Safa Al-Sarraj
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustThe Newcastle upon
Tyne Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust
Nottingham University
Hospitals NHS Trust
Oxford University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Prof Timothy DawsonDr Abhijit JoshiDr Robert Goldspring
Dr Simon Paine
Dr Clara Limbaeck
Dr Laura Parkkinen
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS TrustNorthern Care Alliance NHS Foundation TrustSheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustSouth Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr David HiltonDr Daniel du Plessis
Prof Federico Roncaroli
Dr Robin HighleyDr David Scoones
University Hospital Southampton NHS
Foundation Trust
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustThe Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Mark FabianProf Sebastian Brandner
Prof Zane Jaunmuktane
Dr Ian Scott