
Any researcher wishing to access tissue can either approach us informally, to confirm that appropriate material exists for the study, or make a formal application. To make an informal check for tissue availability, email us at brainuk@soton.ac.uk or complete our informal enquiry form. If you are ready to start the formal process, you can find all the relevant documents on the how to apply page. We will consider all types of studies, no matter how small or large.

Most studies are covered under BRAIN UK’s ethics. We have a rapid application process, typically within 2 weeks – a substantial time saving compared to making individual ethics applications. We use our Participating Centres network to locate tissue and access is then negotiated with the local custodians. This part of the process typically takes 3 months but may take longer depending on the nature of your request. While our matching service is free, you will be required to fund the technical costs involved in retrieving, processing and transporting the tissue (see UK Brain Banks Network – tariffs for brain tissue). To assist with your fundraising, we will be happy to provide a letter of support for your grant applications.

BRAIN UK plays a significant role in supporting research throughout the UK and internationally and we are keen to encourage collaborations as well as co-authorship with tissue providers. If you see a current research project that has a similar focus to your work, please complete our form to suggest collaboration. We will then pass your details to the project’s principal investigator, and they will contact you directly if they wish to discuss collaboration with you.


Most tissue in our network is in a formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) format and their corresponding permanent slide preparations. We also have varying quantities of formalin-fixed ‘wet’ tissue, frozen tissue and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Our Participating Centres maintain dynamic collections of a range of human tissues/materials derived from diagnostic Neuropathology practice, especially tumours. These are mainly from the brain, spinal cord, meninges, skull, spine, associated soft tissues, peripheral nerve and muscle. Less frequently sampled structures include the eye and related structures, skin and other organs/tissues in relation to neurological disease.

Below is an overview of disease categories of tissue provided to researchers using our matching service. New tissue samples are added to the network every day.

Disease categories of studies supported by BRAIN UK, 2011-2024